data smoothing

英 [ˈdeɪtə ˈsmuːðɪŋ] 美 [ˈdeɪtə ˈsmuːðɪŋ]




  1. Some sensors have their own data smoothing internal circuitry.
  2. With the data of nonlinear processing and data smoothing function, rapid automatic correction, self diagnostic message.
  3. Scattered Data Smoothing Surface Interpolation over a Sphere
  4. Data Smoothing Theoretical Base and Methods
  5. The capabilities of several edge-detecting-operators are compared with the theory of data smoothing and Canny's edge-detecting-criteria. So we can choice the edge detecting operator in wavelet multi-scale edge detection.
  6. This paper analyzed the profile of spectrum, methods of data smoothing and peak searching and factors for the error;
  7. An effective method for cloud data smoothing and surface modeling from line laser scanning input is presented. It includes three steps.
  8. In the process of developing and implementing data management system, object based access mode and advanced Swinging Door data compress algorithm are adopted and using data smoothing technology to control measurement noise.
  9. Data Smoothing and Filtering Technique by Free Node Spline Function
  10. In analytical chemistry, its application mainly focused on some areas as follows: ( 1) data smoothing and denoising;
  11. This paper introduces a new data smoothing method based on the comparison among chord height ratio threshold filtering, average filtering and median filtering.
  12. Based on the theories of optimal approximation and data smoothing, a method to represent the discrete experimental data and calculate the derivatives of the experimental data in full measuring region is proposed in the paper.
  13. High quality data smoothing is frequently required in the thermal analysis.
  14. Properly grouping the smooth coefficients in the data smoothing to make the smooth coefficients equal in each group will considerably decrease the total times for multiplying operations in the smoothing operation.
  15. During the simulation, data smoothing has been employed so as to eliminate random fluctuation of experimental data.
  16. This paper presents a new method of experimental strain analysis for plastic deformations based on the theory of data smoothing.
  17. In this paper, the author firstly primarily discussed the theoretical base of the common data smoothing methods used in the sports biomechanical studies.
  18. Data averaging and data smoothing technique efficiently improve the ratio of signal to noise.
  19. The noise in point cloud data acquired through measuring in reverse engineering has to be eliminated through data smoothing.
  20. Further a B-B surface was made on each triangulation network to perform data smoothing processing;
  21. The spectrum analysis method is used to process Doppler signal. By using the classic spectrum estimation theory and data smoothing technique, the spin rate of projectile can be extracted from Doppler signal.
  22. Preprocessing of the fMRI data include time rectification within the slice, motion correction, spatial standardization and data smoothing.
  23. First of all, described the theoretical basis of this paper describes the need to study the key issues in the study of Chinese Web information retrieval method based on statistical language model: statistical language model, data smoothing, Chinese word segmentation and Chinese text indexing.
  24. Moreover, the measured data pre-processing including the finite difference and data smoothing before modeling has been discussed. Finally, the neural network modeling is presented.
  25. Secondly, removed and fixed outliers of Flight test data. Design a low-pass filter to filter out the high frequency data noise. Use the center interpolation algorithm for data smoothing secondary.
  26. In future work, we further study the formulation of rules and data smoothing technology with a view to further improve the named entity recognition rate.
  27. Data smoothing is a perpetual topic in mathematical statistics. In practice we usually use regression to smooth data, including linear regression and nonlinear regression.
  28. The collection and the procession of data is the procedure that the system gets the data from the sensors and the DCS at some interval. The procession work mainly includes the data filtering and the data smoothing.
  29. Data smoothing, principal component analysis ( PCA) and normalization were applied to data preprocessing technology.
  30. Firstly, the paper adopts the horizontal and vertical data smoothing method to process different load data, for the missing data, it uses similar selection methods for addenda, which avoids the impact for load forecasting accuracy by error data or missing data.